The importance of a wonderful headline
The headline is the text indicating the nature of article between it. The largest type of front page headline did not come into use until the late 19th century when increasing competition between newspapers led to the use of attention getting headlines.studies shows that on average 10 out of 12 people will read headline copy, but only 4 out of of 12 will read to the last. Generally, whenever we read a headline our minds have a tendency to predict the full story. Headlines with no such modification is actually unpredictable and thus discourages the reader to read further. Catchy headline engages our mind and initiates curiosity within ourselves. A good headline is the difference between encouraging someone to read the story and skipping over it to read something else. The entire point of a headline is that it tell the reader what the story is all about and encourages him or her to find out more by reading the story. According to Peter Koechley, the co-founder of, "Th...